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Creator: Maja Rey
Submitter: Maja Rey
Talk at the Jamboree 2021 about epigenomic map of human liver zonation and loss of zonation in end-stage liver disease
Creators: Mario Brosch, Jochen Hampe, Lutz Brusch, Marino Zerial, Clemens Schafmayer
Submitter: Mario Brosch
Jamboree presentation
Creators: Daniel Lill, Viktor Makarenko, Ursula Klingmüller, Jens Timmer
Submitter: Daniel Lill
Computational modeling and simulation become increasingly important for Systems Medicine. A number of corresponding software tools have been developed but require scientists to encode their models in an imperative programming language. Morpheus [1,2], on the other hand, is an extensible open-source software framework that is entirely based on declarative modeling. It uses the domain-specific language MorpheusML to define multicellular models through a user-friendly GUI and has since proven ...
Creators: Lutz Brusch, Michael Kücken
Submitter: Lutz Brusch
PK-DB: PharmacoKinetics DataBase for Individualized and Stratified Computational Modeling Jan Grzegorzewski, Janosch Brandhorst, Dimitra Eleftheriadou, Kathleen Green, Matthias König bioRxiv 760884; doi:
Creators: Matthias König, Jan Grzegorzewski
Submitter: Matthias König
Workshop from LiSyM retreat in January 2020. Additional slides devoted to Social Media for Academics. Developed by Peter Krinenberg from
Creator: Olga Vvedenskaya
Submitter: Olga Vvedenskaya