
Copyright reserved. Copies of these pages, either in full or in part, are subject to prior written permission from the editor.

The pictures and graphics used for this website are from HITS gGmbH, our scientists and partners within the LiSyM network. Any rights for reuse or distribution of these images and graphics are reserved and subject to prior written permission from the originator.


The information provided in this system does not necessarily reflect the opinion of HITS gGmbH or of our scientists or software developers as the content may be provided by external collaboration partners within the LiSyM network. HITS gGmbH provides the LiSyM SEEK platform for data and information exchange within and beyond the LiSyM network, but assume no liability for the data and information provided by the system. HITS gGmbH cannot guarantee correctness or defectiveness of the contained information or data, nor can we warrant the completeness of the data. However, we try to check the information and its consistency to the best of our knowledge and to correct any wrong or misleading information reported to us.

This site may contain links to other sites. While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information contained in this site, we accept no liability for the content of external sites. The responsibility for the content of Web sites maintained by third parties and connected with this site lies entirely with the operators of those sites. The use of these external links and the downloading of data takes place entirely at the user's own risk. The HITS gGmbH accepts no responsibility for any damage resulting therefrom, notably damage done to existing data stocks or the user's hardware and/or software. HITS gGmbH is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other external Web sites.

HITS gGmbH has issued the following privacy statement to demonstrate our firm commitment to secure and trustworthy Internet communication and the individual’s right to privacy.


By using this web site, you agree to the collection and use of the information as described here. If we decide to make changes to this privacy policy, we will post the changes on this page so that you will always know what information we collect, and how we use it.

Use and Purpose of Collected Personal Data

On our web site, we only store personal information relating to you with your permissionin order to enable our service, to tailor and optimize our service offering to you. With your registration in the SEEK system you agree that we are authorized to store your personal information and provide it in the context of LiSyM to other users of this system. We bind our employees to strictly observe your privacy and confidentiality rights.


1. What Information Do We Collect and Why?

IP Addresses
We use IP addresses to help diagnose problems, to administer our Web site, and to gather demographic information. When you visit our site, we recognize only your domain name and not your e-mail address. We will see your e-mail address only if you give it to us by filling out a form or by sending us an e-mail message.

We use cookies to deliver personalized content, to save you having to re-enter your password repeatedly, and to tailor our information offerings to how you and others use the site.

User Registration
In order to fully use the LiSyM SEEK service, user registration is required and you are assigned to be a member of one or more project(s). As the SEEK system is about finding, sharing and exchanging data, models and processes among scientists, we use the registration information to identify who uploads the data and who you share the data with. The users can either register themselves, or they can sign an agreement that HITS gGmbH will manage their assets.

E-mail Addresses
As part of registration process, you give HITS gGmbH your e-mail address. The e-mail address is shared only with the members of your projects and the members of LiSyM. You also receive site announcement and project subscription e-mails. We might occasionally contact you via e-mail in order to support you in using our service as well as to improve our service.

2. Links to Other Sites

This site may contain links to other sites. HITS gGmbH is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of other Web sites.

3. Choice/Opt-out

You can opt out of receiving site announcement and project subscription e-mails whenever you like, by unsubscribing from these services. You can send an e-mail to HITS gGmbH to request the removal of your personal data.

4. Pictures

The pictures and graphics used for this website are from HITS gGmbH, our scientists and partners within the LiSyM network. Other sources (if any) are named within the site. Any rights for reuse or distribution of these images and graphics are reserved and subject to prior written permission from the originator.

5. Inquiries

If you have any questions about this privacy statement – feel free to contact:
Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35
69118 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (6221) 533 245
Fax: +49 (6221) 533 298
Managing Director (Geschäftsführer)
Dr. Gesa Schönberger
HRB 337446, Amtsgericht Mannheim

Or you can send an e-mail to: or

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