A frequent misinterpretation in current research on liver fibrosis: the vessel in the center of CCl4-induced pseudolobules is a portal vein.


Carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury is a thoroughly studied model for regeneration and fibrosis in rodents. Nevertheless, its pattern of liver fibrosis is frequently misinterpreted as portal type. To clarify this, we show that collagen type IV+ "streets" and alpha-SMA+ cells accumulate pericentrally and extend to neighbouring central areas of the liver lobule, forming a 'pseudolobule'. Blood vessels in the center of such pseudolobules are portal veins as indicated by the presence of bile duct cells (CK19+) and the absence of pericentral hepatocytes (glutamine synthetase+). It is critical to correctly describe this pattern of fibrosis, particulary for metabolic zonation studies.

Citation: Arch Toxicol. 2017 Aug 19. doi: 10.1007/s00204-017-2040-8.

Date Published: 22nd Aug 2017

Registered Mode: Not specified

Authors: S. Hammad, A. Braeuning, C. Meyer, F. E. Z. A. Mohamed, J. G. Hengstler, S. Dooley

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Created: 23rd Aug 2017 at 11:21

Last updated: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:44

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