
What is a Presentation?
103 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 200
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Creator: Ahmed Ghallab

Submitter: Ahmed Ghallab

Hünfeld 2018 presention on reproducible research and open science.

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

Orally presented in Hünfeld Retreat, 2018.

Creator: Ersin Karatayli

Submitter: Ersin Karatayli

The spatial separation of metabolic functions along the porto-central axis within the liver lobule is termed liver zonation. The zonated metabolic endowment of hepatocytes along the sinusoid are partially influenced by adaption to changing contents of nutrients and oxygen, but is mainly regulated by the morphogenic Wnt/β-Catenin signaling pathway. How morphogens contribute to the lobular distribution of metabolic pathways is part of an evolving field in science since the last decade. For long, ...

Creator: Erik Kolbe

Submitter: Erik Kolbe

No description specified

Creator: Jieling Zhao

Submitter: Jieling Zhao

Poster presented at Hünfeld Retreat 2018

Creators: André Homeyer, Seddik Hammad, Lars Ole Schwen, Steven Dooley, Andrea Schenk, Uta Dahmen, Henning Höfener, Yan Gao

Submitter: Lars Ole Schwen

Presentation at 20. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Minisymposium Systembiologie der (Fett-)Leber und Implikationen für chirurgische Forschung, Magdeburg 2016

Creator: Lars Ole Schwen

Submitter: Lars Ole Schwen

I gave this talk at the SBMC 2018 in Bremen (Session: Systems Medicine & Clinical applications)

Creator: Christian Holland

Submitter: Christian Holland

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Creators: Tim Johann, Dirk Drasdo, Stefan Höhme, Paul Van Liedekerke, Johannes Neitsch

Submitter: Tim Johann

Computational models complement experimental methods in the analysis of tissue organization processes, and play an increasingly important role in systems biology and systems medicine. Creating and parameterizing mathematical models for the simulation of biological tissue dynamics at multiple scales is still a complex and resource-consuming task, which necessitates skills in diverse scientific disciplines. The software TiSim was conceived to facilitate programming, integration and deployment of ...

Creators: Tim Johann, Jieling Zhao, Stefan Höhme, Dirk Drasdo, Andreas Buttenschön, Noémie Boissier, Géraldine Cellière, Paul Van Liedekerke, Johannes Neitsch

Submitter: Tim Johann

Improved evaluation of caffeine-based dynamical liver function tests by accounting for lifestyle and pharmacological modifiers like smoking and oral contraceptive use

Matthias König1,*, Ute Hofmann2, Jan Grzegorzewski1, Reinhold Kerb2, Svitlana Igel2, Elke Schäffeler2 and Matthias Schwab2,3

1Institute for Theoretical Biology, Institute of Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,, 2Dr Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, ...

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

In the growing elderly societies, the incidence of primary and secondary liver tumors is continuously increasing. Surgical interventions like partial liver resections are often the only curative therapy removing more than 70% of the total liver mass. In humans, 20% to 30% of the remaining liver is required for liver regeneration. Successful restoration of the liver mass ultimately depends on the regenerative and metabolic capacity of the hepatocytes in the remnant liver. This, however, might be ...

Creators: Matthias König, Bruno Christ

Submitter: Matthias König

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Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

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Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

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