
What is a Presentation?
103 Presentations visible to you, out of a total of 200
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Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Madlen Matz-Soja

Submitter: Madlen Matz-Soja

Assessment of liver function is a key task in hepatology but accurate quantification of hepatic function has remained a clinical challenge. Dynamic liver function tests are a promising tool for the non-invasive evaluation of liver function in vivo. Quantitative dynamical liver function tests evaluate the function of the liver via the clearance of a given test substance, thereby providing in vivo information on the metabolic capacity of the liver. Here, we present recent results in establishing ...

Creator: Matthias König

Submitter: Matthias König

No description specified

Creators: Martin Golebiewski, Wolfgang Müller

Submitter: Martin Golebiewski

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

Modified slides 6 and 7

Creator: Steven Dooley

Submitter: Steven Dooley

No description specified

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Steven Dooley

Submitter: Steven Dooley

Voids in CCl4 treated mice

Creator: Seddik Hammad

Submitter: Seddik Hammad

No description specified

Creator: Madlen Matz-Soja

Submitter: Madlen Matz-Soja

No description specified

Creator: peter jansen

Submitter: peter jansen

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