Transcriptomics: the RNA expression of primary hepatocytes and BMDM (Bone Marrow–Derived acrophages) were analysed in 4 different conditions (mono- vs. co-culture, hepatocytes and macrophages) with 5 replicas each to detect the impact of hepatocytes on macrophages and vice versa.
Experimental assay
Projects: C-TIP-HCC network, Forschungsnetzwerk LiSyM-Krebs
Investigation: Hepatocytes reprogram liver macrophages involving control of TGF-β activation, influencing liver regeneration and injury.
Assay position:
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Organisms: No organisms
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Created: 2nd Aug 2023 at 09:19
Last updated: 6th May 2024 at 07:40
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Forschungsnetzwerk zur Früherkennung und Prävention- LiSyM-Krebs
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C-TIP-HCC- Mechanism-based Multiscale Model to Dissect the Tipping Point from Liver Cirrhosis to Hepatocellular Carcinoma
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Public web page: Not specified
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Macrophages play an important role in maintaining liver homeostasis and regeneration. Here we investigate how different macrophage populations of the liver differ in terms of their activation state and which other liver cell populations may play a role in regulating the same.
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Data deposited on the European Bioinformatics Insititute (EBI) database under accession number E-MTAB- 11727 ( E-MTAB-11727)
Hepatocyte-controlled availability of activated TGFb reprograms macrophage polarization affecting liver injury and regeneration.
Samples in SEEK (ArrayExpress-compliant sample type
GEO data set
Investigations: Hepatocytes reprogram liver macrophages involvi...
Studies: Study changes in gene expression and in the act...
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Creator: Stephanie Wolf
Submitter: Stephanie Wolf