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The Hedgehog signaling pathway regulates many processes during embryogenesis and the homeostasis of adult organs. Recent data suggest that central metabolic processes and signaling cascades in the liver are controlled by the Hedgehog pathway and that changes in hepatic Hedgehog activity also affect peripheral tissues, such as the reproductive organs in females. Here, we show that hepatocyte-specific deletion of the Hedgehog pathway is associated with the dramatic expansion of adipose tissue in mice, the overall phenotype of which does not correspond to the classical outcome of insulin resistance-associated diabetes type 2 obesity. Rather, we show that alterations in the Hedgehog signaling pathway in the liver lead to a metabolic phenotype that is resembling metabolically healthy obesity. Mechanistically, we identified an indirect influence on the hepatic secretion of the fibroblast growth factor 21, which is regulated by a series of signaling cascades that are directly transcriptionally linked to the activity of the Hedgehog transcription factor GLI1. The results of this study impressively show that the metabolic balance of the entire organism is maintained via the activity of morphogenic signaling pathways, such as the Hedgehog cascade. Obviously, several pathways are orchestrated to facilitate liver metabolic status to peripheral organs, such as adipose tissue.

Authors: F. Ott, C. Korner, K. Werner, M. Gericke, I. Liebscher, D. Lobsien, S. Radrezza, A. Shevchenko, U. Hofmann, J. Kratzsch, R. Gebhardt, T. Berg, M. Matz-Soja

Date Published: 18th May 2022

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

The Hedgehog signaling pathway regulates many processes during embryogenesis and the homeostasis of adult organs. Recent data suggest that central metabolic processes and signaling cascades in the livers in the liver are controlled by the Hedgehog pathway and that changes in hepatic Hedgehog activity also affect peripheral tissues, such as the reproductive organs in females. Here, we show that hepatocyte-specific deletion of the Hedgehog pathway is associated with the dramatic expansion of adipose tissue in mice, the overall phenotype of which does not correspond to the classical outcome of insulin resistance-associated diabetes type 2 obesity. Rather, we show that alterations in the Hedgehog signaling pathway in the liver lead to a metabolic phenotype that is resembling metabolically healthy obesity. Mechanistically, we identified an indirect influence on the hepatic secretion of the fibroblast growth factor 21, which is regulated by a series of signaling cascades that are directly transcriptionally linked to the activity of the Hedgehog transcription factor GLI1. The results of this study impressively show that the metabolic balance of the entire organism is maintained via the activity of morphogenic signaling pathways, such as the Hedgehog cascade. Obviously, several pathways are orchestrated to facilitate liver metabolic status to peripheral organs, such as adipose tissue.

Authors: Fritzi Ott, Christiane Körner, Kim Werner, Martin Gericke, Ines Liebscher, Donald Lobsien, Silvia Radrezza, Andrej Shevchenko, Ute Hofmann, Jürgen Kratzsch, Rolf Gebhardt, Thomas Berg, Madlen Matz-Soja

Date Published: 1st May 2022

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

In the liver, energy homeostasis is mainly regulated by mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signalling, which influences relevant metabolic pathways, including lipid metabolism. However, the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway is one of the newly identified drivers of hepatic lipid metabolism. Although the link between mTOR and Hh signalling was previously demonstrated in cancer development and progression, knowledge of their molecular crosstalk in healthy liver is lacking. To close this information gap, we used a transgenic mouse model, which allows hepatocyte-specific deletion of the Hh pathway, and in vitro studies to reveal interactions between Hh and mTOR signalling. The study was conducted in male and female mice to investigate sexual differences in the crosstalk of these signalling pathways. Our results reveal that the conditional Hh knockout reduces mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production in primary hepatocytes from female mice and inhibits autophagy in hepatocytes from both sexes. Furthermore, in vitro studies show a synergistic effect of cyclopamine and rapamycin on the inhibition of mTor signalling and oxidative respiration in primary hepatocytes from male and female C57BL/6N mice. Overall, our results demonstrate that the impairment of Hh signalling influences mTOR signalling and therefore represses oxidative phosphorylation and autophagy.

Authors: Luise Spormann, Christiane Rennert, Erik Kolbe, Fritzi Ott, Carolin Lossius, Robert Lehmann, Rolf Gebhardt, Thomas Berg, Madlen Matz-Soja

Date Published: 1st Aug 2020

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Zone-dependent differences in the expression of metabolic enzymes along the porto-central axis of the acinus are a long-known feature of liver metabolism. A prominent example is the preferential localization of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in pericentral hepatocytes, where it converts potentially toxic ammonia to the valuable amino acid glutamine. However, with the exception of a few key regulatory enzymes, a comprehensive and quantitative assessment of zonal differences in the abundance of metabolic enzymes and much more importantly, an estimation of the associated functional differences between portal and central hepatocytes is missing thus far. APPROACH & RESULTS: We addressed this problem by establishing a new method for the separation of periportal and pericentral hepatocytes that yields sufficiently pure fractions of both cell populations. Quantitative shotgun proteomics identified hundreds of differentially expressed enzymes in the two cell populations. We used zone-specific proteomics data for scaling of the maximal activities to generate portal and central instantiations of a comprehensive kinetic model of central hepatic metabolism (Hepatokin1). CONCLUSION: The model simulations revealed significant portal-to-central differences in almost all metabolic pathways involving carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids and detoxification.

Authors: N. Berndt, E. Kolbe, R. Gajowski, J. Eckstein, F. Ott, D. Meierhofer, H. G. Holzhutter, M. Matz-Soja

Date Published: 14th Apr 2020

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt/β-Catenin (Wnt) cascades are morphogen pathways whose pronounced influence on adult liver metabolism has been identified in recent years. How both pathways communicate and control liver metabolic functions are largely unknown. Detecting core components of Wnt and Hh signaling and mathematical modeling showed that both pathways in healthy liver act largely complementary to each other in the pericentral (Wnt) and the periportal zone (Hh) and communicate mainly by mutual repression. The Wnt/Hh module inversely controls the spatiotemporal operation of various liver metabolic pathways, as revealed by transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome analyses. Shifting the balance to Wnt (activation) or Hh (inhibition) causes pericentralization and periportalization of liver functions, respectively. Thus, homeostasis of the Wnt/Hh module is essential for maintaining proper liver metabolism and to avoid the development of certain metabolic diseases. With caution due to minor species-specific differences, these conclusions may hold for human liver as well.

Authors: Erik Kolbe, Susanne Aleithe, Christiane Rennert, Luise Spormann, Fritzi Ott, David Meierhofer, Robert Gajowski, Claus Stöpel, Stefan Hoehme, Michael Kücken, Lutz Brusch, Michael Seifert, Witigo von Schoenfels, Clemens Schafmayer, Mario Brosch, Ute Hofmann, Georg Damm, Daniel Seehofer, Jochen Hampe, Rolf Gebhardt, Madlen Matz-Soja

Date Published: 1st Dec 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

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