Capsaicin receptor TRPV1 maintains quiescence of hepatic stellate cells in the liver via recruitment of SARM1

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Citation: Journal of Hepatology,S0168827823000132

Date Published: 2023

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Le Tao, Guangyue Yang, Tiantian Sun, Jie Tao, Chan Zhu, Huimin Yu, Yalan Cheng, Zongguo Yang, Mingyi Xu, Yuefeng Jiang, Wei Zhang, Zhiyi Wang, Wenting Ma, Liu Wu, Dongying Xue, Dongxue Wang, Wentao Yang, Yongjuan Zhao, Shane Horsefield, Bostjan Kobe, Zhe Zhang, Zongxiang Tang, Qigen Li, Qiwei Zhai, Steven Dooley, Ekihiro Seki, Ping Liu, Jianrong Xu, Hongzhuan Chen, Cheng Liu

help Submitter
Tao, L., Yang, G., Sun, T., Jie Tao, Zhu, C., Yu, H., Cheng, Y., Yang, Z., Xu, M., Jiang, Y., Zhang, W., Wang, Z., Ma, W., Wu, L., Xue, D., Wang, D., Yang, W., Zhao, Y., Horsefield, S., … Liu, C. (2023). Capsaicin receptor TRPV1 maintains quiescence of hepatic stellate cells in the liver via recruitment of SARM1. In Journal of Hepatology (Vol. 78, Issue 4, pp. 805–819). Elsevier BV.

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Created: 31st Jan 2023 at 09:43

Last updated: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:44

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