To address the issue of reproducibility in computational modeling we developed the concept of an executable simulation model (EXSIMO). An EXSIMO combines model, data and code with the execution environment to run the computational analysis in an automated manner using tools from software engineering. Key components are i) models, data and code for the computational analysis; ii) tests for models, data and code; and iii) an automation layer to run tests and execute the analysis. An EXSIMO combines version control, model, data, units, annotations, analysis, reports, execution environment, testing, continuous integration and release. We applied the concept to perform a replication study of a computational analysis of hepatic glucose metabolism in the liver. The corresponding EXSIMO is available from
DOI: 10.1101/2020.01.04.894873
Projects: Multi-Scale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests (LiSyM-MM-PLF)
Publication type: Unpublished
Citation: biorxiv;2020.01.04.894873v1,[Preprint]
Date Published: 6th Jan 2020
Registered Mode: by DOI
Views: 1430
Created: 26th Jul 2020 at 09:49
Last updated: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:44
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