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In the experimental paradigm of CCl4 intoxication of mice, hepatocytes around the central vein (located in the center of an idealized hexagonal liver lobule) are dying and are subsequently replaced by new hepatocytes, largely through activation of proliferation in the remaining hepatocytes.
Alignment of daughter hepatocytes along the orientation of the closest sinusoid, a process which is named hepatocyte-sinusoid alignment (HSA), was proposed by Höhme et al. ( ...
Creators: Diego Jahn, Michael Kücken, Lutz Brusch
Submitter: Diego Jahn
Model type: Agent based modelling
Model format: MorpheusML
Environment: Morpheus
not yet calibrated, not yet reduced
Creators: Daniel Lill, Viktor Makarenko
Submitter: Daniel Lill
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Model for the interaction of Wnt and Hh as published in Kolbe et al.: Mutual Zonated Interactions of Wnt and Hh Signaling Are Orchestrating the Metabolism of the Adult Liver in Mice and Human, Cell Reports, 29,4553,
Creators: Michael Kücken, Lutz Brusch
Submitters: Lutz Brusch, Michael Kücken
Model type: Partial differential equations (PDE)
Model format: MorpheusML
Environment: Morpheus
For the spatio-temporal dynamics of bile transport, bile canalicular dilation, mechanical stimulation and transduction of YAP signaling during liver regeneration see the open access publication and its appendix: Meyer et al. (2020) Bile canaliculi remodeling activates YAP via the actin cytoskeleton during liver regeneration. Molecular Systems Biology 16:e8985.
The model format is MorpheusML that can readily be loaded and run in the free and open source software ...
Creator: Lutz Brusch
Submitter: Lutz Brusch
Model type: Agent based modelling
Model format: MorpheusML
Environment: Morpheus