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7 Projects found

Forschungsnetzwerk zur Früherkennung und Prävention- LiSyM-Krebs

Ein Netzwerk von Klinikern, Wissenschaftlern und Datenmanagern hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Methoden zu entwickeln, um Patienten mit einem hohen Risiko für ein Leberkarzinom frühzeitig, in Vorstadien der Tumorentwicklung, identifizieren zu können. Gemeinsam bilden sie das „Systemmedizinische Forschungsnetzwerk zur Früherkennung und Prävention von Leberkrebs“, LiSym-Krebs, das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ...

DEEP-HCC - Detailed Analysis of the Spatial Organization of the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

This generic project is intended to be a forum for all LiSyM partner and external stakeholders interested in participating in the BMBF initiative LiSyM-Krebs.

Disorders of the liver show up through changes in blood tests. These blood tests indicate markers for events taking place in the liver. Usually studies of liver tissue cannot be performed: as liver samples would need to be obtained through a liver biopsy, and this procedure is not without risk, therefore these samples are usually unavailable. Complex metabolism models based on existing and new scientific data can simulate changes in the liver caused by disease. They often reveal unknown relationships ...

This comprises the whole LiSyM network

Programme: LiSyM: Liver Systems Medicine

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Jan 2016

Dr. Nachiket Vartak (TU University, Dortmund) investigates the role of a particular protein - the GTPase Rab18 - in initiating NAFLD. He tries to influence Rab18 pharmacologically so that NAFLD is not initiated. Vartak also analyzes how bile acids leave the liver. He hopes to find ways to improve the flow of bile in a liver with dysfunctional bile flow.

Day-to-day science within the LiSyM is overseen and directed by the the LiSyM Scientific Leadership Team. This coordination team comprises the pillar coordinators and additional LiSyM members, and ensures smooth interaction between multi-skilled groups, often working in different institutions and across significant distances within Germany.

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