
What is a Model?
3 Models visible to you, out of a total of 3

The model studies the influence of hepatocyte–sinusoid alignment (HSA), i.e. the orientation of the division plane such that daughter hepatocytes align with nearby sinusoids, on the shape of tumor nodules in liver lobules. It employs the structure of the model ‘Liver Regeneration from CCl4’ (

Originally, Höhme et al. ( employed a center-based model. Here, the model is encoded in the standardized language MorpheusML. ...

Creators: Diego Jahn, Michael Kücken, Lutz Brusch

Submitter: Diego Jahn

In the experimental paradigm of CCl4 intoxication of mice, hepatocytes around the central vein (located in the center of an idealized hexagonal liver lobule) are dying and are subsequently replaced by new hepatocytes, largely through activation of proliferation in the remaining hepatocytes.

Alignment of daughter hepatocytes along the orientation of the closest sinusoid, a process which is named hepatocyte-sinusoid alignment (HSA), was proposed by Höhme et al. ( ...

Creators: Diego Jahn, Michael Kücken, Lutz Brusch

Submitter: Diego Jahn

No description specified

Creator: Andreas Weidemann

Submitter: Andreas Weidemann

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