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4 Projects found

Forschungsnetzwerk zur Früherkennung und Prävention- LiSyM-Krebs

Ein Netzwerk von Klinikern, Wissenschaftlern und Datenmanagern hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Methoden zu entwickeln, um Patienten mit einem hohen Risiko für ein Leberkarzinom frühzeitig, in Vorstadien der Tumorentwicklung, identifizieren zu können. Gemeinsam bilden sie das „Systemmedizinische Forschungsnetzwerk zur Früherkennung und Prävention von Leberkrebs“, LiSym-Krebs, das vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung ...

C-TIP-HCC- Mechanism-based Multiscale Model to Dissect the Tipping Point from Liver Cirrhosis to Hepatocellular Carcinoma

The ultimate goal of the C-TIP-HCC is a „mechanistic multiscale model to describe dynamic changes in regenerative nodes across a tipping point (TIP) towards development in patients with cirrhosis to facilitate early monitoring and intervention“ and facilitate intervention“. To achieve this, we will conduct in-depth studies on cirrhotic regenerative nodes.

This comprises the whole LiSyM network

Programme: LiSyM: Liver Systems Medicine

Public web page:

Start date: 1st Jan 2016

In one in five people with NAFLD, the functioning liver cells, the hepatocytes, are replaced by connective tissue. Eventually this fibrosis becomes irreversible. In this state the liver is like a ‘scar that never heals’. Through it, the liver loses many of its vital functions. LiSyM-Pillar II wants to know more about which factors promote fibrosis and the conditions under which fibrosis becomes irreversible How can fibrosis be diagnosed as early as possible? Researchers in the pillar are also ...

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