
What is an Assay?
2 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 2

Experimental assay Human-NAFLD/NC 6 biopsies from normal control patients. : NC samples showed steatosis ≤5%, no inflammation, no ballooning and no fibrosis and were obtained during liver resections or biopsy in non-hepatobiliary malignancy in patients with a BMI<30kg/m2. Livers were either free of metastases or a distance of at least 2 cm to the next metastasis observed.

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Experimental assay Human-NAFLD/HO , 4 biopsies from healthy obese patients. Samples for the HO category were obtained in patients undergoing bariatric surgery with a BMI > 30 and subgroups defined by liver histology as follows: HO samples showed a normal liver histology such as the NC samples.

-h692a -h6758 -h6922 -h7230

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