Sample types

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1 Sample type visible to you, out of a total of 8

Histopathology of human liver biopsies

PAT.ID (String) *, Diagnosis group (Controlled Vocabulary - Diagnostic groups) *, Age (Real number) ( yr ) , Sex (Controlled Vocabulary - Gender) , Weight (kg) (Real number) , BMI (String) , Diabetes Typ II (String) , Surgery indication (String) , Histology: NAS score (Real number) , Histology: NAS fat (Real number) , Histology: NAS balloning (Real number) , Histology: NAS inflammation (Real number) , Fat (Real number) ( % ) , Fibrosis (Real number) , Blood test: GGT (U/l) (Real number) , Blood test: AP (U/l) (Real number) , Blood test: total bilirubin (µmol/l) (Real number) , Blood test: ALT (U/l) (Real number) , Blood test: AST (U/l) (Real number) , Bile acids: primary (µmol/l) (Real number) , Bile acids: secondary (µmol/l) (Real number) , Bile acids: 2º/1º (Real number) , 3D reconstruction (String)

Not specified

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