A multitude of pharmacokinetics studies have been published. However, due to the lack of an open database, pharmacokinetics data, as well as the corresponding meta-information, have been difficult to access. We present PK-DB (https://develop.pk-db.com), an open database for pharmacokinetics information from clinical trials including pre-clinical research. PK-DB provides curated information on (i) characteristics of studied patient cohorts and subjects (e.g. age, bodyweight, smoking status); (ii) applied interventions (e.g. dosing, substance, route of application); (iii) measured pharmacokinetic time-courses; (iv) pharmacokinetic parameters (e.g. clearance, half-life, area under the curve). Key features are the representation of experimental errors, the normalization of measurement units, annotation of information to biological ontologies, calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters from concentration-time profiles, a workflow for collaborative data curation, strong validation rules on the data, computational access via a REST API as well as human access via a web interface. PK-DB enables meta-analysis based on data from multiple studies and data integration with computational models. A special focus lies on meta-data relevant for individualized and stratified computational modeling with methods like physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK), pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/DB), or population pharmacokinetic (pop PK) modeling.
Views: 913
Created: 26th Jul 2020 at 19:53
Last updated: 26th Jul 2020 at 19:53
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