SOP for the exchange of clinical samples and corresponding data between collaboration partners in LiSyM
Version 1

The purpose of this document is to define procedures to follow for exchanging the following items between collaboration partners within the LiSyM network: a) Exchanging samples of human origin obtained from a natural person (i.e. a patient or other human subject). b) Exchanging material derived from samples of human origin as defined in a). c) Exchanging associated data describing samples of human origin and derived material as defined in a) and b). d) Exchanging data derived from samples of human origin and derived material as defined in a) and b).

This document is an extension of the data sharing policy of LiSyM and relates to the LiSyM consortial agreement. The goal is to provide high-­level procedures that are comprehensible and practically relevant in the daily work.


Filename: SOPForLiSyMClinicalDataExchange_final.pdf 

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Created: 28th May 2018 at 09:24

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 28th May 2018 at 09:24 by Martin Golebiewski

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