Bile micro-infarcts in cholestasis are initiated by rupture of the apical hepatocyte membrane and cause shunting of bile to sinusoidal blood

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Citation: HEP

Date Published: 13th Aug 2018

Registered Mode: Not specified

Authors: Ahmed Ghallab, Ute Hofmann, Selahaddin Sezgin, Nachiket Vartak, Reham Hassan, Ayham Zaza, Patricio Godoy, Kai Markus Schneider, Georgia Guenther, Yasser A Ahmed, Aya A Abbas, Verena Keitel, Lars Kuepfer, Steven Dooley, Frank Lammert, Christian Trautwein, Michael Spiteller, Dirk Drasdo, Alan F Hofmann, Peter L M Jansen, Jan G Hengstler, Raymond Reif

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Ghallab, A., Hofmann, U., Sezgin, S., Vartak, N., Hassan, R., Zaza, A., Godoy, P., Schneider, K. M., Guenther, G., Ahmed, Y. A., Abbas, A. A., Keitel, V., Kuepfer, L., Dooley, S., Lammert, F., Trautwein, C., Spiteller, M., Drasdo, D., Hofmann, A. F., … Reif, R. (2018). Bile Microinfarcts in Cholestasis Are Initiated by Rupture of the Apical Hepatocyte Membrane and Cause Shunting of Bile to Sinusoidal Blood. In Hepatology (Vol. 69, Issue 2, pp. 666–683). Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health).

Views: 5090

Created: 16th Aug 2018 at 13:52

Last updated: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:44

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