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Structural changes of soft tissues on the cellular level can be characterized by histopathology, but not longitudinally in the same tissue. Alterations of cellular structures and tissue matrix are associated with changes in biophysical properties which can be monitored longitudinally by quantitative diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). In this work, DWI and MRE examinations were performed in a 0.5-Tesla compact scanner to investigate longitudinal changes in water diffusivity, stiffness and viscosity of ex-vivo rat livers for up to 20 h post-mortem (pm). The effect of blood on biophysical parameters was examined in 13 non-perfused livers (containing blood, NPLs) and 14 perfused livers (blood washed out, PLs). Changes in cell shape, cell packing and cell wall integrity were characterized histologically. In all acquisitions, NPLs presented with higher shear-wave speed (c), higher shear-wave penetration rate (a) and smaller apparent-diffusion-coefficients (ADCs) than PL. Time-resolved analysis revealed three distinct phases: (i) an initial phase (up to 2 h pm) with markedly increased c and a and reduced ADCs; (ii) an extended phase with relatively stable values; and (iii) a degradation phase characterized by significant increases in a (10 h pm in NPLs and PLs) and ADCs (10 h pm in NPLs, 13 h pm in PLs). Histology revealed changes in cell shape and packing along with decreased cell wall integrity, indicating tissue degradation in NPLs and PLs 10 h pm. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the biophysical properties of fresh liver tissue rapidly change within 2 h pm, which seems to be an effect of both cytotoxic edema and vascular blood content. Several hours later, disruption of cell walls resulted in higher water diffusivity and wave penetration. These results reveal the individual contributions of vascular components and cellular integrity to liver elastography and provide a biophysical, imaging-based fingerprint of liver tissue degradation.

Authors: K. Garczynska, H. Tzschatzsch, S. Assili, A. A. Kuhl, A. Hackel, E. Schellenberger, N. Berndt, H. G. Holzhutter, J. Braun, I. Sack, J. Guo

Date Published: 20th Aug 2021

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is the most common type of chronic liver disease in developed nations, affecting around 25% of the population. Elucidating the factors causing NAFLD in individual patients to progress in different rates and to different degrees of severity, is a matter of active medical research. Here, we aim to provide evidence that the intra-hepatic heterogeneity of rheological, metabolic and tissue-regenerating capacities plays a central role in disease progression. We developed a generic mathematical model that constitutes the liver as ensemble of small liver units differing in their capacities to metabolize potentially cytotoxic free fatty acids (FFAs) and to repair FFA-induced cell damage. Transition from simple steatosis to more severe forms of NAFLD is described as self-amplifying process of cascading liver failure, which, to stop, depends essentially on the distribution of functional capacities across the liver. Model simulations provided the following insights: (1) A persistently high plasma level of FFAs is sufficient to drive the liver through different stages of NAFLD; (2) Presence of NAFLD amplifies the deleterious impact of additional tissue-damaging hits; and (3) Coexistence of non-steatotic and highly steatotic regions is indicative for the later occurrence of severe NAFLD stages.

Authors: H. G. Holzhutter, N. Berndt

Date Published: 5th Mar 2021

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in children and adolescents. About 30% of patients with NAFLD progress to the more severe condition of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which is typically diagnosed using liver biopsy. Liver stiffness (LS) quantified by elastography is a promising imaging marker for the noninvasive assessment of NAFLD and NASH in pediatric patients. However, the link between LS and specific histopathologic features used for clinical staging of NAFLD is not well defined. Furthermore, LS data reported in the literature can vary greatly due to the use of different measurement techniques. Uniquely, time-harmonic elastography (THE) based on ultrasound and magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) use the same mechanical stimulation, allowing us to compare LS in biopsy-proven NAFLD previously determined by THE and MRE in 67 and 50 adolescents, respectively. In the present work, we analyzed the influence of seven distinct histopathologic features on LS, including septal infiltration, bridging fibrosis, pericellular fibrosis, hepatocellular ballooning, portal inflammation, lobular inflammation, and steatosis. LS was highly correlated with periportal and lobular fibrosis as well as hepatocellular ballooning while no independent association was found for inflammation and steatosis. Based on this analysis, we propose a composite elastography score (CES) which includes the four key histopathologic features identified as mechanically relevant. Interestingly, CES-relevant histopathologic features were associated with zonal distribution patterns of pediatric NAFLD. Mechano-structural changes associated with NAFLD progression can be histopathologically staged using the CES, which is easily determined noninvasively based on LS measured by time-harmonic elastography.

Authors: C. A. Hudert, H. Tzschatzsch, B. Rudolph, C. Loddenkemper, H. G. Holzhutter, L. Kalveram, S. Wiegand, J. Braun, I. Sack, J. Guo

Date Published: 17th Jan 2021

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a significant health burden in obese children for which there is currently no specific therapy. Preclinical studies indicate that epoxyeicosanoids, a class of bioactive lipid mediators that are generated by cytochrome P450 (CYP) epoxygenases and inactivated by the soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), play a protective role in NAFLD. We performed a comprehensive lipidomics analysis using liver tissue and blood samples of 40 children with NAFLD. Proteomics was performed to determine CYP epoxygenase and sEH expressions. Hepatic epoxyeicosanoids significantly increased with higher grades of steatosis, while their precursor PUFAs were unaltered. Concomitantly, total CYP epoxygenase activity increased while protein level and activity of sEH decreased. In contrast, hepatic epoxyeicosanoids showed a strong decreasing trend with higher stages of fibrosis, accompanied by a decrease of CYP epoxygenase activity and protein expression. These findings suggest that the CYP epoxygenase/sEH pathway represents a potential pharmacologic target for the treatment of NAFLD.

Authors: L. Kalveram, W. H. Schunck, M. Rothe, B. Rudolph, C. Loddenkemper, H. G. Holzhutter, S. Henning, P. Bufler, M. Schulz, D. Meierhofer, I. W. Zhang, K. H. Weylandt, S. Wiegand, C. A. Hudert

Date Published: 4th Jan 2021

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

During pregnancy, the body's hyperestrogenic state alters hepatic metabolism and synthesis. While biochemical changes related to liver function during normal pregnancy are well understood, pregnancy-associated alterations in biophysical properties of the liver remain elusive. In this study, we investigated 26 ex vivo fresh liver specimens harvested from pregnant and non-pregnant rats by diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) in a 0.5-Tesla compact magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner. Water diffusivity and viscoelastic parameters were compared with histological data and blood markers. We found livers from pregnant rats to have (i) significantly enlarged hepatocytes (26 +/- 15%, p < 0.001), (ii) increased liver stiffness (12 +/- 15%, p = 0.012), (iii) decreased viscosity (-23 +/- 14%, p < 0.001), and (iv) increased water diffusivity (12 +/- 11%, p < 0.001). In conclusion, increased stiffness and reduced viscosity of the liver during pregnancy are mainly attributable to hepatocyte enlargement. Hypertrophy of liver cells imposes fewer restrictions on intracellular water mobility, resulting in a higher hepatic water diffusion coefficient. Collectively, MRE and DWI have the potential to inform on structural liver changes associated with pregnancy in a clinical context.

Authors: K. Garczynska, H. Tzschatzsch, A. A. Kuhl, A. S. Morr, L. Lilaj, A. Hackel, E. Schellenberger, N. Berndt, H. G. Holzhutter, J. Braun, I. Sack, J. Guo

Date Published: 17th Dec 2020

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Metabolic reprogramming is a characteristic feature of cancer cells, but there is no unique metabolic program for all tumors. Genetic and gene expression studies have revealed heterogeneous inter- and intratumor patterns of metabolic enzymes and membrane transporters. The functional implications of this heterogeneity remain often elusive. Here, we applied a systems biology approach to gain a comprehensive and quantitative picture of metabolic changes in individual hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We used protein intensity profiles determined by mass spectrometry in samples of 10 human HCCs and the adjacent noncancerous tissue to calibrate Hepatokin1, a complex mathematical model of liver metabolism. We computed the 24-h profile of 18 metabolic functions related to carbohydrate, lipid, and nitrogen metabolism. There was a general tendency among the tumors toward downregulated glucose uptake and glucose release albeit with large intertumor variability. This finding calls into question that the Warburg effect dictates the metabolic phenotype of HCC. All tumors comprised elevated beta-oxidation rates. Urea synthesis was found to be consistently downregulated but without compromising the tumor's capacity for ammonia detoxification owing to increased glutamine synthesis. The largest intertumor heterogeneity was found for the uptake and release of lactate and the size of the cellular glycogen content. In line with the observed metabolic heterogeneity, the individual HCCs differed largely in their vulnerability against pharmacological treatment with metformin. Taken together, our approach provided a comprehensive and quantitative characterization of HCC metabolism that may pave the way for a computational a priori assessment of pharmacological therapies targeting metabolic processes of HCC.

Authors: N. Berndt, J. Eckstein, Niklas Heucke, T. Wuensch, R. Gajowski, M. Stockmann, D. Meierhofer, H. G. Holzhutter

Date Published: 8th Oct 2020

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Zone-dependent differences in the expression of metabolic enzymes along the porto-central axis of the acinus are a long-known feature of liver metabolism. A prominent example is the preferential localization of the enzyme glutamine synthetase in pericentral hepatocytes, where it converts potentially toxic ammonia to the valuable amino acid glutamine. However, with the exception of a few key regulatory enzymes, a comprehensive and quantitative assessment of zonal differences in the abundance of metabolic enzymes and much more importantly, an estimation of the associated functional differences between portal and central hepatocytes is missing thus far. APPROACH & RESULTS: We addressed this problem by establishing a new method for the separation of periportal and pericentral hepatocytes that yields sufficiently pure fractions of both cell populations. Quantitative shotgun proteomics identified hundreds of differentially expressed enzymes in the two cell populations. We used zone-specific proteomics data for scaling of the maximal activities to generate portal and central instantiations of a comprehensive kinetic model of central hepatic metabolism (Hepatokin1). CONCLUSION: The model simulations revealed significant portal-to-central differences in almost all metabolic pathways involving carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids and detoxification.

Authors: N. Berndt, E. Kolbe, R. Gajowski, J. Eckstein, F. Ott, D. Meierhofer, H. G. Holzhutter, M. Matz-Soja

Date Published: 14th Apr 2020

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The principle of dynamic liver function breath tests is founded on the administration of a (13)C-labeled drug and subsequent monitoring of (13)CO2 in the breath, quantified as time series delta over natural baseline (13)CO2 (DOB) liberated from the drug during hepatic CYP-dependent detoxification. One confounding factor limiting the diagnostic value of such tests is that only a fraction of the liberated (13)CO2 is immediately exhaled, while another fraction is taken up by body compartments from which it returns with delay to the plasma. The aims of this study were to establish a novel variant of the methacetin-based breath test LiMAx that allows to estimate and to eliminate the confounding effect of systemic (13)CO2 distribution on the DOB curve and thus enables a more reliable assessment of the hepatic detoxification capacity compared with the conventional LiMAx test. We designed a new test variant (named "2DOB") consisting of two consecutive phases. Phase 1 is initiated by the intravenous administration of (13)C-bicarbonate. Phase 2 starts about 30 min later with the intravenous administration of the (13)C-labelled test drug. Using compartment modelling, the resulting 2-phasic DOB curve yields the rate constants for the irreversible elimination and the reversible exchange of plasma (13)CO2 with body compartments (phase 1) and for the detoxification and exchange of the drug with body compartments (phase 2). We carried out the 2DOB test with the test drug (13)C-methacetin in 16 subjects with chronic liver pathologies and 22 normal subjects, who also underwent the conventional LiMAx test. Individual differences in the systemic CO2 kinetics can lead to deviations up to a factor of 2 in the maximum of DOB curves (coefficient of variation CV approximately 0.2) which, in particular, may hamper the discrimination between subjects with normal or mildly impaired detoxification capacities. The novel test revealed that a significant portion of the drug is not immediately metabolized, but transiently taken up into a storage compartment. Intriguingly, not only the hepatic detoxification rate but also the storage capacity of the drug, turned out to be indicative for a normal liver function. We thus used both parameters to define a scoring function which yielded an excellent disease classification (AUC = 0.95) and a high correlation with the MELD score (RSpearman = 0.92). The novel test variant 2DOB promises a significant improvement in the assessment of impaired hepatic detoxification capacity. The suitability of the test for the reliable characterization of the natural history of chronic liver diseases (fatty liver-fibrosis-cirrhosis) has to be assessed in further studies.

Authors: H. G. Holzhutter, T. Wuensch, R. Gajowski, N. Berndt, S. Bulik, D. Meierhofer, M. Stockmann

Date Published: 6th Feb 2020

Publication Type: Not specified


Not specified

Authors: Nikolaus Berndt, Antje Egners, Guido Mastrobuoni, Olga Vvedenskaya, Athanassios Fragoulis, Aurélien Dugourd, Sascha Bulik, Matthias Pietzke, Chris Bielow, Rob van Gassel, Steven W. Olde Damink, Merve Erdem, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Stefan Kempa, Thorsten Cramer

Date Published: 10th Dec 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of primary liver cancer in adults and the most common cause of death in people with cirrhosis. While previous metabolic studies of HCC have mainly focused on the glucose metabolism (Warburg effect), less attention has been paid to tumor-specific features of the lipid metabolism. Here, we applied a computational approach to analyze major pathways of fatty acid utilization in individual HCC. To this end, we used protein intensity profiles of eleven human HCCs to parameterize tumor-specific kinetic models of cellular lipid metabolism including formation, enlargement, and degradation of lipid droplets (LDs). Our analysis reveals significant inter-tumor differences in the lipid metabolism. The majority of HCCs show a reduced uptake of fatty acids and decreased rate of beta-oxidation, however, some HCCs display a completely different metabolic phenotype characterized by high rates of beta-oxidation. Despite reduced fatty acid uptake in the majority of HCCs, the content of triacylglycerol is significantly enlarged compared to the tumor-adjacent tissue. This is due to tumor-specific expression profiles of regulatory proteins decorating the surface of LDs and controlling their turnover. Our simulations suggest that HCCs characterized by a very high content of triglycerides comprise regulatory peculiarities that render them susceptible to selective drug targeting without affecting healthy tissue.

Authors: N. Berndt, J. Eckstein, Niklas Heucke, R. Gajowski, M. Stockmann, D. Meierhofer, H. G. Holzhutter

Date Published: 27th May 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

OBJECTIVES: Today, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in children and adults alike. Yet, the noninvasive evaluation of disease severity remains a diagnosticc challenge. In this study, we apply multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography (mMRE) for the quantification of liver steatosis and fibrosis in adolescents with NAFLD. METHODS: Fifty adolescents (age range, 10-17 years; mean BMI, 33.9 kg/m; range, 21.4-42.1 kg/m) with biopsy-proven NAFLD were included in this prospective study. Multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography was performed using external multifrequency vibrations of 30 to 60 Hz and tomoelastography postprocessing, resulting in penetration rate (a) and shear wave speed (c). Hepatic fat fraction was determined using Dixon method. The diagnostic accuracy of mMRE in grading liver steatosis and staging liver fibrosis was assessed by receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. RESULTS: Multifrequency magnetic resonance elastography parameters c and a were independently sensitive to fibrosis and steatosis, respectively, providing area under the receiver operating characteristic values of 0.79 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.66-0.92), 0.91 (95% CI, 0.83-0.99), and 0.90 (95% CI, 0.80-0.99) for the detection of any (≥F1), moderate (≥F2), and advanced (≥F3) fibrosis, and 0.87 (95% CI, 0.76-0.97) and 0.87 (95% CI, 0.77-0.96) for the detection of moderate (≥S2) and severe (S3) steatosis. CONCLUSIONS: One mMRE measurement provides 2 independent parameters with very good diagnostic accuracy in detecting moderate and advanced fibrosis as well as moderate and severe steatosis in pediatric NAFLD.

Authors: Christian A. Hudert, Heiko Tzschätzsch, Birgit Rudolph, Hendrik Bläker, Christoph Loddenkemper, Hans-Peter Müller, Stephan Henning, Philip Bufler, Bernd Hamm, Jürgen Braun, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Susanna Wiegand, Ingolf Sack, Jing Guo

Date Published: 1st Apr 2019

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Being the central metabolic organ of vertebrates, the liver possesses the largest repertoire of metabolic enzymes among all tissues and organs. Almost all metabolic pathways are resident in the parenchymal cell, hepatocyte, but the pathway capacities may largely differ depending on the localization of hepatocytes within the liver acinus-a phenomenon that is commonly referred to as metabolic zonation. Metabolic zonation is rather dynamic since gene expression patterns of metabolic enzymes may change in response to nutrition, drugs, hormones and pathological states of the liver (e.g., fibrosis and inflammation). This fact has to be ultimately taken into account in mathematical models aiming at the prediction of metabolic liver functions in different physiological and pathological settings. Here we present a spatially resolved kinetic tissue model of hepatic glucose metabolism which includes zone-specific temporal changes of enzyme abundances which are driven by concentration gradients of nutrients, hormones and oxygen along the hepatic sinusoids. As key modulators of enzyme expression we included oxygen, glucose and the hormones insulin and glucagon which also control enzyme activities by cAMP-dependent reversible phosphorylation. Starting with an initially non-zonated model using plasma profiles under fed, fasted and diabetic conditions, zonal patterns of glycolytic and gluconeogenetic enzymes as well as glucose uptake and release rates are created as an emergent property. We show that mechanisms controlling the adaptation of enzyme abundances to varying external conditions necessarily lead to the zonation of hepatic carbohydrate metabolism. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first kinetic tissue model which takes into account in a semi-mechanistic way all relevant levels of enzyme regulation.

Authors: N. Berndt, H. G. Holzhutter

Date Published: 12th Jan 2019

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Purpose To measure in vivo liver stiffness by using US time-harmonic elastography in a cohort of pediatric patients who were overweight to extremely obese with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and to evaluate the diagnostic value of time-harmonic elastography for differentiating stages of fibrosis associated with progressive disease. Materials and Methods In this prospective study, 67 consecutive adolescents (age range, 10-17 years; mean body mass index, 34.7 kg/m2; range, 21.4-50.4 kg/m2) with biopsy-proven NAFLD were enrolled. Liver stiffness was measured by using time-harmonic elastography based on externally induced continuous vibrations of 30 Hz to 60 Hz frequency and real-time B-mode-guided wave profile analysis covering tissue depths of up to 14 cm. The diagnostic accuracy of time-harmonic elastography in staging liver fibrosis was assessed with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) analysis. Liver stiffness cutoffs for the differentiation of fibrosis stages were identified based on the highest Youden index. Results Time-harmonic elastography was feasible in all patients (0% failure rate), including 70% (n = 47) of individuals with extreme obesity (body mass index above the 99.5th percentile). AUC analysis for the detection of any fibrosis (≥ stage F1), moderate fibrosis (≥ stage F2), and advanced fibrosis (≥ stage F3) was 0.88 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.80, 0.96), 0.99 (95% CI: 0.98, 1.00), and 0.88 (95% CI: 0.80, 0.96), respectively. The best liver stiffness cutoffs were 1.52 m/sec for at least stage F1, 1.62 m/sec for at least stage F2, and 1.64 m/sec for at least stage F3. Conclusion US time-harmonic elastography allows accurate detection of moderate fibrosis even in pediatric patients with extreme obesity. Larger clinical trials are warranted to confirm the accuracy of US time-harmonic elastography.

Authors: Christian A. Hudert, Heiko Tzschätzsch, Jing Guo, Birgit Rudolph, Hendrik Bläker, Christoph Loddenkemper, Werner Luck, Hans-Peter Müller, Daniel C. Baumgart, Bernd Hamm, Jürgen Braun, Hermann-Georg Holzhütter, Susanna Wiegand, Ingolf Sack

Date Published: 1st Jul 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The epidemic increase of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) requires a deeper understanding of the regulatory circuits controlling the response of liver metabolism to nutritional challenges, medical drugs, and genetic enzyme variants. As in vivo studies of human liver metabolism are encumbered with serious ethical and technical issues, we developed a comprehensive biochemistry-based kinetic model of the central liver metabolism including the regulation of enzyme activities by their reactants, allosteric effectors, and hormone-dependent phosphorylation. The utility of the model for basic research and applications in medicine and pharmacology is illustrated by simulating diurnal variations of the metabolic state of the liver at various perturbations caused by nutritional challenges (alcohol), drugs (valproate), and inherited enzyme disorders (galactosemia). Using proteomics data to scale maximal enzyme activities, the model is used to highlight differences in the metabolic functions of normal hepatocytes and malignant liver cells (adenoma and hepatocellular carcinoma).

Authors: N. Berndt, S. Bulik, I. Wallach, T. Wunsch, M. Konig, M. Stockmann, D. Meierhofer, H. G. Holzhutter

Date Published: 21st Jun 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Alternative models explaining the biliary lipid secretion at the canalicular membrane of hepatocytes exist: successive lipid extraction by preformed bile salt micelles, or budding of membrane fragments with formation of mixed micelles. To test the feasibility of the latter mechanism, we developed a mathematical model that describes the formation of lipid microdomains in the canalicular membrane. Bile salt monomers intercalate into the external hemileaflet of the canalicular membrane, to form a rim to liquid disordered domain patches that then pinch off to form nanometer-scale mixed micelles. Model simulations perfectly recapitulate the measured dependence of bile salt-dependent biliary lipid extraction rates upon modulation of the membrane cholesterol (lack or overexpression of the cholesterol transporter Abcg5-Abcg8) and phosphatidylcholine (lack of Mdr2, also known as Abcb4) content. The model reveals a strong dependence of the biliary secretion rate on the protein density of the membrane. Taken together, the proposed model is consistent with crucial experimental findings in the field and provides a consistent explanation of the central molecular processes involved in bile formation.

Authors: J. Eckstein, H. G. Holzhutter, N. Berndt

Date Published: 1st Mar 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The capacity of the liver to convert the metabolic input received from the incoming portal and arterial blood into the metabolic output of the outgoing venous blood has three major determinants: The intra-hepatic blood flow, the transport of metabolites between blood vessels (sinusoids) and hepatocytes and the metabolic capacity of hepatocytes. These determinants are not constant across the organ: Even in the normal organ, but much more pronounced in the fibrotic and cirrhotic liver, regional variability of the capillary blood pressure, tissue architecture and the expression level of metabolic enzymes (zonation) have been reported. Understanding how this variability may affect the regional metabolic capacity of the liver is important for the interpretation of functional liver tests and planning of pharmacological and surgical interventions. Here we present a mathematical model of the sinusoidal tissue unit (STU) that is composed of a single sinusoid surrounded by the space of Disse and a monolayer of hepatocytes. The total metabolic output of the liver (arterio-venous glucose difference) is obtained by integration across the metabolic output of a representative number of STUs. Application of the model to the hepatic glucose metabolism provided the following insights: (i) At portal glucose concentrations between 6-8 mM, an intra-sinusoidal glucose cycle may occur which is constituted by glucose producing periportal hepatocytes and glucose consuming pericentral hepatocytes, (ii) Regional variability of hepatic blood flow is higher than the corresponding regional variability of the metabolic output, (iii) a spatially resolved metabolic functiogram of the liver is constructed. Variations of tissue parameters are equally important as variations of enzyme activities for the control of the arterio-venous glucose difference.

Authors: N. Berndt, M. S. Horger, S. Bulik, H. G. Holzhutter

Date Published: 16th Feb 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease in children and adolescents today. In comparison to adult disease, pediatric NAFLD may show a periportal localization, which is associated with advanced fibrosis. This study aimed to assess the role of genetic risk variants for histologic disease pattern and severity in childhood NAFLD. METHODS: We studied 14 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in a cohort of 70 adolescents with biopsy-proven NAFLD. Genotype was compared to an adult control cohort (n=200) and analyzed in relation to histologic disease severity and liver tissue proteomics. RESULTS: Three of the 14 SNPs were significantly associated with pediatric NAFLD after FDR adjustment, rs738409 (PNPLA3, P=2.80x10(-06) ), rs1044498 (ENPP1, P=0.0091) and rs780094 (GCKR, P=0.0281). The severity of steatosis was critically associated with rs738409 (OR=3.25; 95% CI: 1.72-6.52, FDR adjusted P=0.0070). The strongest variants associated with severity of fibrosis were rs1260326, rs780094 (both GCKR) and rs659366 (UCP2). PNPLA3 was associated with a portal pattern of steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis. Proteome profiling revealed decreasing levels of GCKR protein with increasing carriage of the rs1260326/rs780094 minor alleles and down-regulation of the retinol pathway in rs738409 G/G carriers. Computational metabolic modelling highlighted functional relevance of PNPLA3, GCKR and UCP2 for NAFLD development. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for the role of PNPLA3 as a determinant of portal NAFLD localization and severity of portal fibrosis in children and adolescents, the risk variant being associated with an impaired hepatic retinol metabolism. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Authors: C. A. Hudert, S. Selinski, B. Rudolph, H. Blaker, C. Loddenkemper, R. Thielhorn, N. Berndt, K. Golka, C. Cadenas, J. Reinders, S. Henning, P. Bufler, P. L. M. Jansen, H. G. Holzhutter, D. Meierhofer, J. G. Hengstler, S. Wiegand

Date Published: 18th Jan 2018

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

The liver responds to elevated plasma concentrations of free fatty acids (FFAs) with an enhanced uptake of FFAs and their esterification to triacylglycerol (TAG). On the long term, this may result in massive hepatic TAG accumulation called steatosis hepatitis. In hepatocytes, the poor water-soluble TAG is packed in specialized organelles: Lipid droplets (LDs) serving as transient cellular deposit and lipoproteins (LPs) transporting TAG and cholesterol esters to extra-hepatic tissues. The dynamics of these organelles is controlled by a variety of regulatory surface proteins (RSPs). Assembly and export of VLDLs are mainly regulated by the microsomal transfer protein (MTP) and apoprotein B100. Formation and lipolysis of LDs are regulated by several RSPs. The best studied regulators belong to the PAT (Perilipin/Adipophilin/TIP47) and CIDE families. Knockdown or overexpression of SRPs may significantly affect the total number and size distribution of LDs. Intriguingly, a large cell-to-cell heterogeneity with respect to the number and size of LDs has been found in various cell types including hepatocytes. These findings suggest that the extent of cellular lipid accumulation is determined not only by the imbalance between lipid supply and utilization but also by variations in the expression of RSPs and metabolic enzymes. To better understand the relative regulatory impact of individual processes involved in the cellular TAG turnover, we developed a comprehensive kinetic model encompassing the pathways of the fatty acid and triglyceride metabolism and the main molecular processes governing the dynamics of LDs. The model was parametrized such that a large number of experimental in vitro and in vivo findings are correctly recapitulated. A control analysis of the model revealed that variations in the activity of FFA uptake, diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) 2, and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) have the strongest influence on the cellular TAG level. We used the model to simulate LD size distributions in human hepatoma cells and hepatocytes exposed to a challenge with FFAs. A random fold change by a factor of about two in the activity of RSPs was sufficient to reproduce the large diversity of droplet size distributions observed in individual cells. Under the premise that the same extent of variability of RSPs holds for the intact organ, our model predicts variations in the TAG content of individual hepatocytes by a factor of about 3-6 depending on the nutritional regime. Taken together, our modeling approach integrates numerous experimental findings on individual processes in the cellular TAG metabolism and LD dynamics metabolism to a consistent state-of-the-art dynamic network model that can be used to study how changes in the external conditions or systemic parameters will affect the TAG content of hepatocytes.

Authors: C. Wallstab, D. Eleftheriadou, T. Schulz, G. Damm, D. Seehofer, J. Borlak, H. G. Holzhutter, N. Berndt

Date Published: 2nd Aug 2017

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: Adaptation of the cellular metabolism to varying external conditions is brought about by regulated changes in the activity of enzymes and transporters. Hormone-dependent reversible enzyme phosphorylation and concentration changes of reactants and allosteric effectors are the major types of rapid kinetic enzyme regulation, whereas on longer time scales changes in protein abundance may also become operative. Here, we used a comprehensive mathematical model of the hepatic glucose metabolism of rat hepatocytes to decipher the relative importance of different regulatory modes and their mutual interdependencies in the hepatic control of plasma glucose homeostasis. RESULTS: Model simulations reveal significant differences in the capability of liver metabolism to counteract variations of plasma glucose in different physiological settings (starvation, ad libitum nutrient supply, diabetes). Changes in enzyme abundances adjust the metabolic output to the anticipated physiological demand but may turn into a regulatory disadvantage if sudden unexpected changes of the external conditions occur. Allosteric and hormonal control of enzyme activities allow the liver to assume a broad range of metabolic states and may even fully reverse flux changes resulting from changes of enzyme abundances alone. Metabolic control analysis reveals that control of the hepatic glucose metabolism is mainly exerted by enzymes alone, which are differently controlled by alterations in enzyme abundance, reversible phosphorylation, and allosteric effects. CONCLUSION: In hepatic glucose metabolism, regulation of enzyme activities by changes of reactants, allosteric effects, and reversible phosphorylation is equally important as changes in protein abundance of key regulatory enzymes.

Authors: S. Bulik, H. G. Holzhutter, N. Berndt

Date Published: 2nd Mar 2016

Publication Type: Not specified

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