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PK-DB: PharmacoKinetics DataBase for Individualized and Stratified Computational Modeling Jan Grzegorzewski, Janosch Brandhorst, Dimitra Eleftheriadou, Kathleen Green, Matthias König bioRxiv 760884; doi:
Creators: Matthias König, Jan Grzegorzewski
Submitter: Matthias König
We face a reproducibility crisis and computational science, with most published models neither being accessible nor reproducible. The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) is the de facto standard format for encoding pathway based models, which provides a means for exchanging process based models between researchers and tools. The talk gives an overview of SBML and SBML-based tools.
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König
Assessment of liver function is a key task in hepatology but accurate quantification of hepatic function has remained a clinical challenge. Dynamic liver function tests are a promising tool for the non-invasive evaluation of liver function in vivo. Quantitative dynamical liver function tests evaluate the function of the liver via the clearance of a given test substance, thereby providing in vivo information on the metabolic capacity of the liver. Here, we present recent results in establishing ...
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König
Hünfeld 2018 presention on reproducible research and open science.
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König
Improved evaluation of caffeine-based dynamical liver function tests by accounting for lifestyle and pharmacological modifiers like smoking and oral contraceptive use
Matthias König1,*, Ute Hofmann2, Jan Grzegorzewski1, Reinhold Kerb2, Svitlana Igel2, Elke Schäffeler2 and Matthias Schwab2,3
1Institute for Theoretical Biology, Institute of Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,, 2Dr Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology, ...
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König
In the growing elderly societies, the incidence of primary and secondary liver tumors is continuously increasing. Surgical interventions like partial liver resections are often the only curative therapy removing more than 70% of the total liver mass. In humans, 20% to 30% of the remaining liver is required for liver regeneration. Successful restoration of the liver mass ultimately depends on the regenerative and metabolic capacity of the hepatocytes in the remnant liver. This, however, might be ...
Creators: Matthias König, Bruno Christ
Submitter: Matthias König
#Poster 34: LiSyM Midterm Evaluation 2018 König Group (Berlin) - Multiscale Models for Personalized Liver Function Tests
Facts & Figures
Area of Expertise: Modelling; data science; standardization Methodes: Ordinary differential equations (ODE), standardization (SBML, SED-ML); Software Development; Scientific Involvement: PillarIV Collaboration: Prof. Stockmann & Dr. Wünsch (PillarIV); Prof. Schwab & Dr. Hoffmann (PillarI); Prof. Timmer & Daniel Lill (PillarII); Prof. Holzhütter ...
Creator: Matthias König
Submitter: Matthias König