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Introduction: The field of pharmacokinetics describe the kinetics of substances administered to the body, consisting of absorption, distribution, metabolization and elimination (ADME) of the substance. An important use case is the testing of liver function via test substances like caffeine, methacetin or galactose in dynamical liver function tests. Understanding the kinetics of test substances and drugs is crucial to evaluate therapeutic outcome and diagnostic value.
Results: Physiologically based pharmacokinetic models (PBPK) allow to simulate the kinetics of test substances by modeling ADME, and analyze the effect of parameter changes. An important challenge is the personalization and stratification of such models, which can enhance the predictive performance by accounting for lifestyle and pharmacological modifiers like smoking and oral contraceptive use. Models for various test substances (caffeine, paracetamol, codeine) are currently established in our group. A key requirement for the development of these models are reproducible and standardized workflows from the patient data to the stratified/personalized models. An important outcome of our work is a semi-automatic “workflow” for the rapid development of such models. A key component is the curation and standardization of unstructured datasets from literature and clinical cooperation partners in a newly designed pharmacokinetic database (PKDB). The database is accessible via a REST API and provides a web interface for curation, validation and representation of the data. Hereby, the data can be queried for a variety of subgroups and across multiple clinical trials. The standardized PKDB output builds the foundation for parameterization, personalization and stratification of our pharmacokinetic models.
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Created: 27th Nov 2018 at 15:19

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We are investigating liver metabolism and function with the help of computational models and methods.
Group Leader Dr. Matthias König
Institute for Theoretical Biology Humboldt-University Berlin Philippstraße 13, 10115 Berlin, Germany phone +49 30 2093-98435 koenigmx@hu-berlin.de https://www.livermetabolism.com
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Dr. Matthias König (Humboldt University, Berlin) models the human liver on the computer. His simulations show the extent of individual differences in liver function and the external factors influencing it. König has shown that smoking falsifies the result of an important liver test (LiMAx). With his models, drug doses can be calculated so that they can be administered in doses that do not harm the liver.
Programme: LiSyM: Liver Systems Medicine
Public web page: https://livermetabolism.com
Start date: 1st Jan 2016
Organisms: Homo sapiens
A multitude of pharmacokinetics studies have been published. However, due to the lack of an open database, pharmacokinetics data, as well as the corresponding meta-information, have been difficult to access. We present PK-DB (https://develop.pk-db.com), an open database for pharmacokinetics information from clinical trials including pre-clinical research. PK-DB provides curated information on (i) characteristics of studied patient cohorts and subjects (e.g. age, bodyweight, smoking status); (ii) ...
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Investigation: Stratification and Personalization of Computati...
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Authors: J. Grzegorzewski, J. Brandhorst, K. Green, D. Eleftheriadou, Y. Duport, F. Barthorscht, A. Koller, D. Y. J. Ke, S. De Angelis, M. Konig
Date Published: 5th Nov 2020
Publication Type: Journal
PubMed ID: 33151297
Citation: Nucleic Acids Res. 2020 Nov 5. pii: 5957165. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa990.
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Date Published: 1st Jul 2020
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Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Matthias König, Jan Grzegorzewski
Date Published: 1st Jun 2020
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Author: Matthias König
Date Published: 1st Mar 2020
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Abstract (Expand)
Author: Matthias König
Date Published: 2020
Publication Type: Misc
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Jan Grzegorzewski, Janosch Brandhorst, Dimitra Eleftheriadou, Kathleen Green, Matthias König
Date Published: 9th Sep 2019
Publication Type: Unpublished
DOI: 10.1101/760884
Citation: biorxiv;760884v1,[Preprint]