First EASL Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Summit: Target-oriented approach to Diagnosis and Pharmacotherapy of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), a dialogue between Academia and Industry

This summit will cover both the basic and translational / clinical aspects of NAFLD, with a specific focus on novel drug target and prognostic signature development.

Key sessions include all crucial pathophysiological aspects currently known to affect development and progression of NAFLD, such as "lipid metabolism and lipotoxicity" and "insulin resistance, insulin and hormonal signaling". Furthermore, oxidative stress, ER stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction will be addressed. On the second day, inflammation, adaptive and innate immunity as well as apoptosis and microparticles will be discussed in the NAFLD context. Moreover, bile acids and bile acid signaling as well as gut microbiota will be covered. Finally, key aspects of hepatic fibrosis and carcinogenesis in relation to NAFLD will be addressed.

Unlike other NAFLD meetings, this inaugural summit will feature a significant representation by industry partners and presentations will be delivered by both academia and industry leaders to stimulate our joint efforts in addressing the key challenges across the spectrum of NAFLD. In each of these sessions, an academic overview by an eminent physician-scientist will be followed by 3 to 4 state-of-the-art presentations on the current research landscape and translational advances. Active audience participation will be encouraged, with the aim of fostering greater research collaborations between academia and industry. In addition, there will be the opportunity to submit abstracts of ongoing basic and translational research, and these will be accepted as e-posters.

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