COMBINE 2020 (Computational Modeling in Biology Network Meeting) - VIRTUAL MEETING

The "Computational Modeling in Biology" Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology, systems medicine, synthetic biology and related fields. COMBINE 2020 will be a workshop-style event with invited lectures, oral presentations and posters, but also reserving enough time for afternoon breakout sessions to discuss topics around data and model standardization and integration, as well as harmonization and further development of the modelling standards and their implementation and harmonization. The meeting will include talks about the COMBINE standards and associated or related standardization efforts and how they bring value to the scientific data and corresponding computer models. Also presentations of tools using these standards and scientific endeavors that are in need of standardized data and models, such as interdisciplinary scientific networks will be introduced

SEEK ID: http://localhost:3000/events/62

Projects: LiSyM network

Martin Golebiewski

6th Oct 2020

9th Oct 2020

virtual meeting


 United States

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