Workshop “FAIR data infrastructures for biomedical research communities”

Workshop at the annual meeting of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS):

This workshop will be organized by the GMDS working group „FAIR data infrastructures for biomedical informatics“, which was formed in the beginning of 2019. The aim is to introduce the activities of different projects and research sites in Germany with regard to FAIR (Finadable, Accessible, Interoperable, Re-usable) data management. By an exchange of experience, common concepts (e.g. expansion of FAIR, coordination and development, standards and guidelines, etc.) are supposed to be planned regarding biomedical informatics and their basic data and strategies for implementation are supposed to be developed. This workshop aims at introducing the GMDS-project group as well as approaches of data infrastructure, corresponding initiatives and their platforms (e.g. FAIRDOM, ELIXIR as well as national nodes like the German Bioinformatical Infrastructure Network (de.NBI), Medical Informatics Initiative (MII), consortia of a yet to be established national research data infrastructure (NFDI), implementations in SFB-INF-projects, etc.) for biomedical basics and translational research, which are based on FAIR principles for scientific data management. A discussion about the requirements of such infrastructures is supposed to take place among the participants of the workshop. The workshop will start with a keynote presentation about the FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship and their implementation in the life sciences, which will be followed by several presentations introducing national and international initiatives that aim at facilitating “FAIRification” of data in the biomedical research area. This will be complemented by interactive discussions of all participants in order to establish an overview of the range of the represented initiatives and platforms, their needs, approaches and solutions in terms of FAIR data management as a basis for the further work of the project group. The workshop’s envisaged target group includes providers of infrastructures that develop and trade FAIR tools and platforms for biomedical research, as well as representatives of relevant expert communities and research networks who are using or intend to use FAIR data infrastructures. Everyone interested in the improvement and enhanced distribution of FAIR data management strategies is invited to participate.

Chairs: Martin Golebiewski (HITS, Heidelberg), Matthias Löbe (IMISE, Universität Leipzig), Benjamin Löhnhardt und Harald Kusch (Universitätsmedizin Göttingen)


Projects: LiSyM Core Infrastructure and Management (LiSyM-PD), LiSyM network

Martin Golebiewski

10th Sep 2019 at 08:00

10th Sep 2019 at 10:00

Fachhochschule Dortmund
Emil-Figge-Str. 38-44



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