RNA microarray made with primary hepatocytes from female mice with hepatocyte-specific, embryonic knockout of Smoothened
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Created: 11th May 2017 at 08:48

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Version 1 (earliest) Created 11th May 2017 at 08:48 by Christiane Körner
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Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Christiane Rennert, Franziska Eplinius, Ute Hofmann, Janina Johänning, Franziska Rolfs, Wolfgang Schmidt-Heck, Reinhardt Guthke, Rolf Gebhardt, Albert M. Ricken, Madlen Matz-Soja
Date Published: 30th May 2017
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1007/s00204-017-1999-5
Citation: Arch Toxicol 33(1) : 93